Photography Month Sacramento, 2025 will be one of the most event packed line ups to date. Please check out all the great exhibits, receptions, workshops, meet-up, artists’ talks and more. Check the Event’s page for the full listings—it’s update weekly throughout April.

Participating Partners To Date—Updated Weekly:

Auburn Old Town GalleryPixels: Featured local gallery photographers
California Museum—Our War Too: Women in Service
Casa de Espanõl—Nuestra Fuerza: A Photography Exhibit Celebrating the Strength in Our Diversity
Crocker Art Museum—Frames of Mind, the Ramer Photography Collection, ArtMix
General Gomez Arts, Auburn—Open Call Exhibit: Aperture 2025: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Kaneko Gallery, American River College campus—Dominick Porras "Silvery Synthesis"
Logos Used Book Store, Exhibit by photo artist Tom Martens, supported by Friends of the Davis Public Library
Museum of Science and Curiosity (MOSAC) Exhibits and photos come together for an interactive experience!
Nevada County Camera Club—Gold County on Cameras exhibit and reception
PSA Gold Rush Chapter—Free floral photography workshop
Sacramento Fine Arts Center, Carmichael—Open Call Exhibit: Mood & Emotions
Signa Presents—details coming soon!
Sierra College Photography Department, Ridley Gallery—(un)earthly
Twisted Track Gallery—Exhibit by Aniko Kiezel
Viewpoint Photographic Art Center—Presenting two Open Call Exhibit and three workshops with a free printing workshop open to all


Through a series of events and hands-on activities, scheduled throughout our region, Photography Month creates an annual celebration of collaboration and creativity in the photographic arts.

Participating museums, galleries, schools, clubs, businesses and more, will create their own exhibits (or highlight an existing exhibit), receptions, lectures, workshops and photo field trips to celebrate the art of photography. The month long calendar of events will be posted on this web site under Events. All events posted on the Photo Month website will be highlighted throughout the months of March and April in social media, weekly e-newsletters and bulletins, Sacramento365 and other Partner organizations such as Visit Sacramento and Midtown Sacramento.



All events are listed on the “Events” page on this website. New activations will be added weekly in March so check back often as April approaches. There are many exciting exhibits, receptions, photo-walks and much more to participate in.


The event concept is to connect with programming you may already have in place, or to enhance something you offer from a photographic point of view. Or, create something new and unique to engage your supporters! Just list your activity on the “Events” page on this website.


This is a great opportunity to launch an exhibit of your work, or to create a group exhibit with photography friends! Contact your local coffee house, winery, brew house or restaurant to see if they might host an exhibit and reception in April. You can also create your own events such as street photography meet-ups, field trips, and more. Once you have all the details, list your event on the “Events” page on this website.


Adding your event to the Photography Month line-up it easy. Just go to the “Events” tab on this website and follow the instructions. Annual event postings begin in January each year. Sacramento365 is the event platform for posting so you'll need to sign up with them, if you haven't already. However, you do not need to go to the Sac365 website—please do all your event registration right here on the Photo Month website under “Events” so your activation is tied into Photo Month Sacramento. And be sure to include a mention that this is a Photo Month event. Note: there is a two-to-three day approval process for every event listed, so please plan accordingly.

Everyone is welcome to participate! All we ask is that you post your event as early as possible (prior to April) so we can post all activities early and get the word out to our region.


1.) Let us know you’ll be joining in by sending an e-mail to Roberta McClellan, the Event Director at

 2.) Once you’ve created the basic structure of your event, please post it to the Photography Month Sacramento web site under Events.

3.) Start creating your marketing outreach and down load a Photo Month logo from our Marketing/Tool Kit page. Please include the PM logo in all your advance materials and online mentions to help us brand this annual event.

4.) ADD-ON BONUS: Once participating groups begin posting you can look for possible collaborations with your event. Outreach and collaboration is one of the best parts of this month-long event!

THAT’S IT. It's very simple to participate, and great fun for you, your organization and your patrons.

We hope you’ll join us in April for all things photographic!  

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: It is increasingly important in an age of media inundation to encourage purposeful displays of photography by artists seeking to share a story or a moment of beauty. Photography Month Sacramento creates new opportunities for galleries, museums, educational institutions, photographers and patrons to share a collective experience in the visual arts, which is engaging and highly accessible.

Photography Month Sacramento is coordinated by Viewpoint Photographic Art Center ( located in midtown Sacramento and its many partner organizations.

Big Thank You to Our 2025 SPONSORS!

A very special thank you to Supervisor Phil Serna, District 1 for grant support from the Serna Prize for Photography Month Sacramento.

In-Kind Marketing Contributions: Clear Channel Digital Billboards and Visit Sacramento and Inside Publications

Platinum Level:
Visit Sacramento
Meyers Investment Group of Baird

Silver Level:
Gabriel Teague, graphic designer

Luminance Level:
Inviting Light Photography
David Kalb Photography

Supporting Partners:
Sacramento Downtown Grid
Downtown Sacramento Partnership
Midtown Association

Media Sponsors:
Inside Sacramento Publications